
Sunday School

The primary aim of the Adult Sunday School ministry is to offer supplementary teaching of God’s Word, while providing for open discussion and participation by all. It is supplementary because the classes are ideally in addition to personal Bible study and the systematic instruction from the pulpit. Open discussion provides opportunity for questions and sharing insights not possible with the lecture approach to teaching.


A yearly Bible Conference is scheduled in which noted Christian leaders are invited to speak on some focus area of God’s Word. Past speakers have included Dr. Jeff Brooks (Pastor and Conference Speaker, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee), Dr. Richard McCarrell (Director of SOS Ministries), and Andy Ferrier (Friends of Israel missionary to Jewish people in the Chicago area).


Our purpose is to share the good news of forgiveness for sin and salvation in Christ to a broken world.

Key Verse: Matthew 28:19 – Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

To accomplish this we provide opportunities which include the following:
•Small groups – bring neighbors and friends into a small group atmosphere
•Awana ministry – reach boys, girls, and their families for the gospel of Christ
•Missions support – support missions and missionaries around the world                •Training – Periodic evangelism training, such as the EvanTell You Can Tell It seminar •Broadway Plaza Apartments outreach – worship services held twice each month


Men’s Ministry

The purpose of Men’s Ministry is to reach men with the gospel and equip them as spiritual leaders in their families, church, work, and community.

We offer men of Pioneer Bible Church opportunities such as weekend seminars, informal fellowship gatherings, mentoring relationships, encouragement and accountability teams, and group events.

Women’s Ministry

The purpose of the Women’s Ministry of Pioneer Bible Church is to minister to the body and specifically to our women in the areas of spiritual, practical, and fellowship needs. The women’s ministry has two primary focuses: spiritual life and service and help needs.

Spiritual Life’s primary focus is to lead women into a more intimate walk with the Lord and to reach out to other women in the Church and community. This includes Bible studies dealing with spiritual growth; and special events. Denise Lawrence provides oversight of this ministry.

Service and Help Need’s primary focus is to provide or coordinate service to the body for various practical needs. Fellowship activities are provided for women. Diane Harris provides oversight of this ministry and the following specific ministries:

  • Encouragement is given through flowers and cards to individuals and families in times of illness or bereavement.
  • Hospitality is offered through providing meals in the home during illness, after births, or other times as needed.
  • Celebration events are planned and carried out for special occasions. This includes baby showers, wedding showers, and receptions.
  • Decorations are provided for the worship center and other areas as needed.
  • Fellowship opportunities are provided for the women to get together for fun and to enjoy each others company.